Monday, January 13, 2014

Saying Goodbye to Survival Mode--Day Seven

For the same amount of money as a fancy drink from a coffee shop, I can have yummy fruit dipped in warm chocolate.  I always remind myself of this on my weekly grocery shopping trip if I'm thinking about splurging on a Chai while shopping!
Yesterday's challenge, the final one for this project, is to make a list of things that recharge you
so that after a day of being productive, we can refill our energy tanks. 
Things that I do to unwind and relax:
*Turn on worship music
*Visit my favorite "mommy-blogs"
*Enjoy dipping fruit in melted chocolate in my Velata pot
*Take a hot bath and read in the tub
*Watch an intriguing detective show
*Chat with a friend
*Go do something fun with friends
*Take pictures and edit them
*Go for a walk
*Browse Pinterest
Moms often fail to take care of themselves because they are so busy taking care of everyone else.  If I want to be the best mom I can be, I have to be taking the time to refresh myself.  

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